

On the Relationship of the Theme of The Untrammeled Traveler and the Last Three Fables in Dialogue
摘要 《庄子》文章虽然不拘章法,但并非散漫无序,其文形散而神不散。有时,其材料的安排还是很有规律的。《逍遥游》就是如此。《逍遥游》分为两个部分。第一部分以小大之辨为线索,论述了不凭借、不受限于任何外物的逍遥游境界,这种境界按照层次的高低分别是"至人无己"、"神人无功"、"圣人无名"。第二部分以三段对话体的寓言故事进一步说明"逍遥游"的人生境界。尧与许由的对话,印证了"圣人无名"。肩吾与连叔的对话印证了"神人无功"。庄子与惠子的对话讨论"无用之用",并没有印证"至人无己"。因为"至人无己"作为逍遥游的最高境界,是不易举证的。而"无用之用"的讨论则是给人们达到逍遥游的境界提供一种具体的思维路径和方法。 Though Zhuangzi's articles have always been regarded as freeing from the restrictions of article norm, they are actually not disordered, for the spirit of Zhuangzi's proses is not scattered. Sometimes, the arrangement of materials is e- ven very regular, of which The Untrammeled Traveler is a good example. As one of the masterpieces of Zhuangzi, The Untrammeled Traveler consists of two parts. The first part describes a kind of spiritual realm by writing the difference between big things and small things, in which people can transcend time and space without relying on any things and not to be limited to any things. There are three levels in this spiritual realm. The first one is "noble man forgetting himself physically", the second one is "immortal giving up secular achievements and virtues" and the third one is "wise man caring nothing about honor and disgrace". The second part further explains the spiritual realm of "The Untrammeled Traveler" by three fable stories in dialogue. The dialogue between Yao and Xuyou corresponds with "wise man caring nothing about honor and disgrace", while the dialogue between Jianwu and Lianshu corresponds with "immortal giving up secular a- chievements and virtues". The third dialogue discusses the question of "usefulness of useless", which doesn't correspond with "noble man forgetting himself physically" because it is the highest level of "The Untrammeled Traveler" and few people in the world can achieve it, so it is not easy to prove. The discussion of ',usefulness of useless" is to provide a spe- cific way of thinking for people to reach spiritual realm of "The Untrammeled Traveler",
作者 孙董霞 SUN Dong-xia(School of Chinese Language and Literature ,Lanzhou University of Arts and Science ,Lanahou 730000, Chin)
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期69-74,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
基金 甘肃省高等学校科研项目"春秋人物品评及其对当代社会价值观导向的借鉴意义研究"(2014B-112)
关键词 《逍遥游》 对话体寓言 至人无己 无用之用 The Untrammeled Traveler the fable in dialogue noble man forgetting himself physically usefulness of useless
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