The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of miR - 181 a on the differentiation of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells. The bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells were isolated and seeded in six - well plates. When the cell confluence reached 70% , the miR - 181 a - M, miR - 181a - I, miR - 181a - M - NC and miR - 181a - I - NC were transfeet into the bovine skeletal muscle satellite ceils by using the PEI. The expression of relative muscle differentiated proteins MyoD, MyoG, MYH3 and HOX - A11 and the myotube number were detected by Western - blot and mmunofluorescence at the 0, 1 st, 2nd and 3rd day after tranfection. The results showed that the bovine skeletal muscle sat- ellite cells transfected with miR - 181a mimics were significantly increased in the expression of muscle differentiation proteins such as MyoD, MyoG and MYH3, and the number of myocardium transfected with miR - 181a mimics was significantly higher than that of others. It was con- firmed that the cell differentiation could be promoted by the miR - 181a. In the dual luciferase reporter system, when the 3'- UTR of the HOX -A11 geue was bound to miRNA- 181a, the luciferase activity was significantly decreased. But the luciferase activity did not decrease when the mutated 3'- UTR was bound to miRNA - 181a. The results further indicated that the HOX - All was the target gene of miR - 181a. In general, the miR -181a could play a role in promoting the differentiation of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells.
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine