
新加坡和中国香港地区打造区域教育枢纽的比较研究 被引量:4

A Comparative Research on Building Regional Education Hubs in Singapore and Hong Kong SAR
摘要 高等教育国际化时代,世界各地争相打造教育枢纽。新加坡和中国香港地区的比较研究显示,共同的国际背景和不同的目标定位使得两地在向知识经济转型的过程中,都把打造区域教育枢纽作为重要的发展战略,但在具体建设过程中有不同的侧重。新加坡引进世界顶级大学,致力于打造知识/创新枢纽,而中国香港则通过多方合作吸引非本地学生,并且不断调整学生枢纽的结构。基于此,本研究认为打造区域教育枢纽是两地应对全球化和知识经济的重要举措,但具体的实践过程则依不同的战略定位和体制而呈现不同的形态。 In the era of internationalization of higher education, many districts put forward the goals of building education hubs. Based on the paradigm of comparative education research, this study finds out that the common international background, and the different characteristics determine Singapore and Hong Kong SAR to both regard building education hubs as an important strategy in the transition towards knowledge economy. Singapore brings in world-class universities, aiming at building knowledge hub. Hong Kong SAR attracts non-local students through multi-cooperation and keeps on adjusting the structure of student hub. Based on the comparison between Singapore and Hong Kong SAR, this research puts forward that building educational hubs is an important strategy in the transition to knowledge economy. However, different strategic positioning and regime make Singapore and Hong Kong SAR follow different trajectories.
作者 廖青 LIAO Qing(Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 20023)
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期16-25,共10页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 新加坡 中国香港 知识经济 区域教育枢纽 Knowledge Economy Regional Education hubs Comparative Research
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