
中国社会组织管理体制变革:从双重管控到制度重构——一项基于深化改革背景下的政策设计 被引量:1

Reform of China's Social Organization Management System:from Double Control to Institutional Reconstruction——a Policy Design Based on Deepening Reform
摘要 党的十八大以来,随着国家和社会治理现代化不断向纵深推进,社会组织作为重要的治理主体作用也日益突出。为提高社会组织建设的实际指导价值,需要回顾和演绎中国社会组织管理体制的基本内容及研究概况,同时也要对中国社会组织管理体制"弱质化"轨迹与总特征做出逻辑梳理,其思考的重点是中国社会组织在双重管理体制下的建设及发展困境。为全面加强社会组织建设,探讨不同领域、不同类别的社会组织的改革创新,需要从理性塑造社会组织登记法律制度、科学运用产权制度与要素涵盖、全面构筑信息透明的制度综合体及加强登记与监管的法律体系来对中国社会组织管理体制改革的格局进行整体的政策设计,从而得出了如何从"双重管控"到"制度重构"的基本结论与思考,回答中国社会组织管理体制建设的实践探索解决了什么、该走什么路的问题。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the wake of modernization of the state and so- cial governance which has been carried out steadily, social organizations, as an important governing body, have been playing an increasingly prominent role. In order to improve the practical value of the construction of social organizations, we need to make an review of the basic content and studies of Chinese social organization system, as well as a logical combing of the "weakness" track and the general characteristics of the organization system, which are mainly concerned with the organization construction and development dilemma in the dual system of Chinese agency. To strengthen the construction of social organizations and dis- cover the reform and innovation of different areas and different types of social organizations, it is necessary to make an overall de- sign of the policy reform on China social organization system by shaping the social organization registration legal system, using the property rights system and the scientific elements, building a comprehensive information system which covers complex transparen- cy, and strengthening the legal system of registration and supervision. Thus we draw the basic conclusion and thinking of how to change from "dual control" to "system reconstruction", and find out what problems have been solved and what way to go in the practice of China's social organization system construction.
作者 胡红霞 HU Hong - xia(School of History and Administration, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, Chin)
出处 《学术探索》 北大核心 2017年第11期51-57,共7页 Academic Exploration
基金 国家社科基金西部项目(14XMZ098)
关键词 社会组织 管理体制 双重管控 政策设计 social organization management system dual control policy design
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