
族性动员及其消抑研究 被引量:1

Research on Ethnic Mobilization and Suppression Mechanisms
摘要 族类群体的政治行动离不开政治动员的环节,族性动员普遍被视为现代政体中一种潜在的非整合性力量,其发生往往都以族性认同为内核或工具,再加上族群精英或族群政党进行有效的政治动员才得以实现。族性动员是一个族群围绕一定的族群认同(例如肤色、语言、风俗等)进行组织,以追求集体目标的过程。族性动员一旦发生,其对国家秩序、族群关系、经济发展及社会安定造成极大的破坏,由此引发的多米诺效应也许会延续更长的时间,往往造成国家政治秩序紊乱、族群社会行为失范、民众恐惧心理加剧,其后果往往远超过于此,溢出效应可波及邻国,导致地区安全危机,甚至国际安全危机。研究族性动员的理论与实践,有助于深刻洞察民族政治行动的发生、发展规律。族性动员既是一个过程,又是一个行动系统。族性动员既有方向性,又有技术和路径支持。目前,国内对族性动员的理论研究不够深入,缺乏系统分析与建构。在实践层面上,群体性事件爆发的频率在加快,身处全球化、信息化、网络化的大背景下,事件、运动及动员产生的模仿效应在增强。因此,对于民族国家及政府而言,不断寻求有效的整合与消抑策略,防范与管控失控的族性动员,将是任重而道远的过程。 Political acts of ethnic groups cannot do withoutpolitical mobilization,which is generally regarded as a potential non-integrated force in the modern regime.Ethnic identity is the core or tool of ethnic mobilization that can be enhanced by effective political mobilizing efforts from ethnic elites or ethnic parties.Ethnic mobilization is a process in which an ethnic group is organized based on certain ethnic identities like skin color,language and customs to pursue collective goals.Once ethnic mobilization occurs,it will wreak havoc on public order,ethnic relations,economic development and social stability.Moreover,the ensuing Domino effects such as national political disorder,ethnic social anomie,and intensified public fear may persist for a longer period of time.The spillover effects may spread to neighboring countries,endangering national and regional security.Therefore,researches on theories and practices of ethnic mobilization will be of great value for a deeper insight into the formation and development of ethnic political acts.Ethnic mobilization is both an evolutionary process and a systematic series of actions.It has not only directivity but also technical and pathway support.At present,theoretical studies on ethnic mobilization in China are far from sufficient,lacking both systematic analysis and theoretical construction.At the practice level,people see increasingly frequent outbreaks of'mass incidents'in China.Against a global backdrop featuring rapid development of the Internet and information technology,the demonstration effects of 'mass incidents' are on the rise.Therefore,national governments should continue to seek effective preventative measures and coping strategies so as to contain ethnic mobilization that tends to get out of control.
作者 范立强
出处 《国际安全研究》 CSSCI 2017年第6期70-90,共21页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 族性 族性动员 动员过程 消抑 ethnicity ethnic mobilization process of mobilization
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