为确定人类健康饮酒的量,以50kg体重的健康人饮用50%的酒精水溶液不高于250m L为标准,实验以雄性小白鼠为试验材料,配制10%、15%和20%三种不同浓度的酒精水溶液,分别腹腔注射0.15m L、0.25m L和0.35m L,通过观察胃粘膜的形态结构变化,镜检组织变化;测定红细胞数、白细胞数、血小板数以及血红蛋白含量等血液生理指标,结果显示:对小白鼠而言,饮用10%的酒精水溶液不高于0.15m L为适量,超出该范围为过量,以此类推到人类,一个体重为50kg的健康人饮用50%的酒精水溶液不高于100m L为适量,超出该范围则表现为过量.
In order to determine the amount of human health drinking, healthy people with 50kg weight drank 250mL, with a standard alcohol concentration of 50%. In this study, the male mice were used as experimental materials. After making up 10%, 15% and 20% in three different concentrations of alcohol aqueous solution, the mice were intraperitoneally injected with 0.15mL, 0.25mL and 0.35mL. The morphological changes of the gastric mucosa were observed and the tissue changes were examined by microscopy. The blood physiological parameters such as the number of erythrocytes, the number of leukocytes, the number of platelets, and the content of hemoglobin were measured. The results showed that, for mice, drinking is not higher than 10% and 0,15mL of alcohol aqueous so-lution for the right amount, beyond the scope as excessive, by analogy to the human, a healthy person with a weight of 50kg consumed 50% of the alcohol, no more than 100mL, and over the range was excessive.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges
minimum alcohol concentration and dosage
gastric mucosa
blood physiological parameters
intraperitoneal injection