

Six Pairs of Relationships in Film Criticism
摘要 电影批评作为一个世界,一种多维度、多层面的语言符号系统,似有六对关系需要探讨。思与辩:思想的张力得益于雄辩的阐发,雄辩的蕴藉来自于思想的锋芒;思想是前锋、是底肥,雄辩是后盾、是助力。论与析:"论"和"析"从来不是对立的。"论",只有在"析"的基础上才有扎实的根底,进而在人心与物化的艺术世界间搭起桥梁;"析",只有在"论"的指导下才能穿云破雾,进而直抵艺术的真谛。异与同:电影批评是最讲究个性、讲究独创的,千篇一律、大同小异是电影批评的歧路,也不可能会有出路。深与浅:只有那些不仅能鞭辟入里、力透纸背,而且能率性而发、尽现本色,有艺术趣味,有普适心、大众化表达的批评,才是观众和读者呼唤与期盼的。博与专:电影批评不仅要有广博的知识,还需以电影艺术本身的特点规律为依据,因此,"博"和"专"都没有止境,有时还互为因果。雅与俗:只有对表达精益求精,落笔句斟字酌,吟诵朗朗上口,思深语淡,意切词和,才可能将批评推至"大俗即大雅"的极致。 It seems that there are six pairs of relationships in film criticism which is a world,a multi-dimensional and multi-aspects language system. Thinking and argumentation: the power of thoughts derives from the articulation of eloquence while the accumulation of eloquence comes from the sharpness of thoughts.Thought is the forward and base fertilizer while eloquence is the supporter and driving force. Discussion and analysis: discussion and analysis are never in opposition. Analysis is the basis of establishing a solid foundation of discussion which then can build a bridge between people's hearts and the world of arts. Analysis can only go through the fog to reach the essence of art with the direction of discussion. Differences and similarities: film criticism should have individuality and uniqueness so that similarity is the wrong way and dead road of film criticism. Depth and superficiality: the audiences and readers expect and enjoy the criticism which is not only deeply-thought,individual,unique and artistically interesting but also general understandable in a popular expression. Extensiveness and specialization: film criticism requires not only extensive knowledge but also should follow the characteristics and rules of the film art. Thus,extensiveness and specialization are unlimited and they are cause and effect to each other sometimes. Refinement and popularity:it is only possible to promote criticism to the acme of "great popularity is great refinement"by perfecting the expression,refining the writing,increasing the readability,enriching the thoughts while popularizing the expression and,meshing the meanings and the wording.
作者 李建强
出处 《民族艺术研究》 2017年第5期91-99,共9页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 电影批评 思与辩 论与析 异与同 深与浅 博与专 雅与俗 film criticism thinking and argumentation discussion and analysis differences and similarities depth and superficiality extensiveness and specialization refinement and popularity
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  • 1Rey Chow, ed. Modem Chinese Literary and Cuhural Studies in the Age of Theory: Reimagining a Field (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000).
  • 2Rey Chow. Woman and Chinese Modernity: The Politics of Reading between West and East (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991), xvi.
  • 3Chow. Writing Diaspora, 98. Writing Diaspora : Tactics of Intervention in Contemporary Cultural Studies ( Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1993).
  • 4Rey Chow. Ethics after Idealism: Theory - Culture - Ethnicity - Reading ( Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998), xxi.
  • 5Rey Chow. Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films : Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility ( New York : Columbia University Press, 2007).
  • 6Bordwell. "Contemporary Film Studies and the Vicissitudes of Grand Theory," in Post - Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies, edited by David Bordwell and No? 1 Carroll (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996).
  • 7David Bordwell and No? 1 Carroll, eds., Post- Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996), xiii - xiv.
  • 8David Bordwell. On the History of Film Style ( Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 1997 ).
  • 9David Bordwell, The Way Hollywood Tells It : Story and Style in Modern Movies ( Berkeley : University of California Press, 2006).
  • 10Kristin Thompson. "Nation, National Identity and the International Cinema," Film History 8 (1996).









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