
“综合素质”与“核心素养”——再谈“培养什么样的人” 被引量:23

Key Competency and Comprehensive Quality: What Kind of Person We Want to Cultivate?
摘要 与注重关键少数的"简化范式"不同,综合素质是关系性思维的产物,主要是指人身心、知行、文理等多方面协调发展,广泛适应现实生活中各种变化与挑战所必须具备的能力和品质。其中,身心关系范畴最广,知行次之,文理复次之。在应对变动不居的未来世界的挑战中,综合素质更为有效。当然,核心素养体系对综合素质中的关键性要素做了具体的刻画、描述,有助于我们对综合素质的认识,特别是对不同层次、不同方面素质关系的把握变得更加清晰,两者关系是互补性的,而非取代与被取代的关系。 From different perspectives and methodologies,both key competency and comprehensive quality seek to answer the fundamental question of 'What kind of person do we want to cultivate?'On the one hand,it's believed that key competency emphasizes on the key elements out of the numerous,following a simplified paradigm of scientific analysis used in the western academic community. On the other hand,comprehensive quality is closely related to the systematic,relational and generative thinking and value orientations,which emphasizes more on the balance and harmony of human development,including the relationships between body and mind,knowing and doing,humanity and science. Further research on comprehensive quality needs to examine not only what the constituent qualities are,but also what relationships there are between them that have defined the implications of the conception,as it is such relationships that have constituted the'hard core'of the conception.The term quality in the Chinese context is not limited to the inborn traits from the perspective of physiological anatomy,but the harmony of body and mind,the combination of nature and nurture,as well as their interdependence. It also means the unity of knowing and doing,as the true knowing is the authentic experience from doing,while effective doing involves prospective and reflective thinking. Besides,it is the accommodation of humanity and science,which allows wise decisions and actions to happen in certain circumstance based on the comprehensive consideration of appropriate information.Future is beyond our imagination. Compared with key competency,which stresses the 'key ' and'few',the conception of comprehensive quality,which is rooted in the Chinese culture and stresses more on the extensive adaptability,has its own advantages,and thus could be an effective strategy responding to the ever-changing future. There is no denying that key competency describes the key elements of comprehensive quality,which helps deepen our understanding of comprehensive quality,especially the relationships between different layers and aspects. In other words,the relationship between key competency and comprehensive quality is complementary,rather than substituted.
作者 柳夕浪
出处 《华东师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期68-75,共8页 Journal of East China Normal University:Educational Sciences
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"初高中学业水平考试和综合素质评价改革研究"(14JZD042)
关键词 简化范式 关系性思维 身心和谐 知行合一 文理兼修 互补性作用 key competency comprehensive quality person cultivate
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