本文针对复杂情节电视剧节目提出以"可挖掘性"为理念的第二屏交互叙事模型,在充分调动观众对电视剧故事的参与性的同时,还能够在电视剧文本与观众生成的用户文本之间形成良好的互动。在设计实践部分,这一模型被应用于HBO大型电视剧《权力的游戏》电视伴侣应用IN-GoT(Interactive Narrative Game of Thrones)的设计,通过用户测试表明,本文的交互模型能够激发观众对故事进一步探索的欲望、提高对故事信息的掌握程度,以及对角色提出更具批评性的评价。
This article describes a second screen interactive narrative prototype for complex TV drama series based on the concept of"drillability".The prototype will not only involve the audience in the story of the drama,but also develop the interaction between the drama text and the user text.In the part of designation,the prototype is applied to the design of IN-GoT(Interactive Narrative Game of Thrones),a companion app relative to the HBO TV series named Game of Thrones.The user test shows the prototype can stimulate the audience's desire to explore the story,command more information about it,and make more critical evaluations.
Global Journal of Media Studies