Capitalist society today faces a series of crises and challenges, such as aging population, refugee cri- sis, debt crisis and fiscal deficit. A series of relevant events have left the Western capitalist society in a quagmire and turmoil, which includes the impact of the Brexit on European integration and the rise of European far-right political forces on the Western rights system, and the violent terrorist attacks on the European and American countries carried out by the extremist terrorist groups. From the perspective of historical materialism, the crises and contradictions in today's European and American society are the manifestation of the inherent laws governing the development of cap- italism. The decline of the elite political tradition in the West and the rise of anti-establishmentistsindicate that new problems in the capitalist system require profound reflection. With the wave of new scientific and technological revo- lution and globalization, the crises and conflicts in the European and American societies tend to promote the trans- formation of the capitalist mode of production and the social transformation. Learning the experience and practices of China's reform and opening up, Europe could set off an ideological liberation movementin the whole society and make the necessary changes or improvements to the capitalist development model, political system and social securi- ty system formed after World War II. Today's capitalism has crossed the stage of imperialism into the era of social capitalism, with the features ofpowerful state monopoly capitalism providing the institutional guarantee for the capi- talist societies in Europe and the United States to deal with the crisis and resolve conflicts. The historical experience of the development of capitalist countries shows that the massive middle class is the backbone of social stability and peaceful transformation. The shrinkage of the middle class in today's European and American societies has added variables to the resolution of social crises. Therefore, to expand and strengthen the middle class should be a connota- tion of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Theory and Reform