
今本《竹书纪年》所载西周郑国史地问题考辨 被引量:3

Textual Research on Zheng state's History and Geography in Western Zhou Dynasty Recorded in the Modern Text of the Bamboo Annals
摘要 明天一阁刊今本《竹书纪年》言郑桓公居"洛",伐"鄫",居"郑父之丘",经由对此三事的详考,可推桓公初居之洛在今陕西洛南一带;幽王初桓公伐鄫,即《国语·郑语》史伯所说的"缯",亦即曾,地近今河南南阳一带;因伐鄫之功,桓公立为诸侯,都郑父之丘,故国名郑,其地可能近于今陕西渭南华州区一带。故今本《竹书纪年》所载桓公立国事与《国语》《史记》《汉书》之说实微异而大同,未必纯出杜撰,可为探讨早期郑国史地问题提供一重要参考,对解读清华简等新出土文献也不无帮助。 The present version of the Bamboo Annals on Ming dynasty Published by Tianyi pavilion(天一阁)recorded duke Huan of Zheng(郑桓公)lived in Luo(洛),then attacked Zeng(鄫),finally inhabited in Zhengfuzhiqiu(郑 父 之 丘).Through careful verification about the three incidents,duke Huan of Zheng(郑桓公)could be concluded to first dwell in areas surrounding the present Luonan of Shanxi province.At the beginning of King You of Zhou(周幽王)in power,duke Huan of Zheng crusaded against the country Zeng(鄫)named Zeng(缯)recorded by historiographer Bo(史伯)in Guoyu(国 语).It is adjacent to the present Nanyang city of Henan province.On account of his successful military success against Zeng(鄫),duke Huan of Zheng established capital at Zhengfuzhiqiu(郑 父 之 丘)as a duke and named his country Zheng(郑),adjacent to the present Huazhou zone of Weinan,Shanxi province.The record of duke Huan's establishment of his country in present version of the Bamboo Annals coincided basically with that of Guoyu(国语),Shiji(史记)and History of Han(汉书)with little discrepancy.Therefore,it may be not fabricated and can be employed as beneficial references to explore the history of early Zheng State,and is also helpful to interpret new unearthed documents,such as Tsinhua Bamboo Slips.
作者 邱奎
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期23-31,共9页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
基金 西华师范大学2017年度英才科研基金项目"西周衰世‘诗史’考论"(17YC473)
关键词 《竹书纪年》 郑国 郑桓公 郑父之丘 清华简 the Bamboo Annals State of Zheng Duke Zheng Huan Zheng Fu Zhi Qiu (郑父之丘) Tsinhua Bamboo Slips
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