At present,in the lace ol the new situation and tasks ol building the well- to-do society in an all -round way and realizing the "Chinese Dream" oi the great rejuvenation oi the Chinese nation,how can the grassroots branches ol the central banks strengthen the cultural construction ol the central bank and mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative and creativity ol cadres and workers to the lullest extent,which is an important issue placed in lront ol all grassroots branches ol central banks. Through briefing on the connotation and deno-tation ol the central bank's culture,we can make readers lurther clarily the basic meaning and content ol the central bank's culture; how to properly handle the "eight relations" among the grassroots branches ol central banks in practical work: First,to correctly Handle the relationship between "work" and " pleasure" ; second-ly ,to correctly handle the relationship between "hard work" and " enjoyment" ; thirdly,to correctly handle the relationship between "educating people" and "employing people" ; l' ourthly,to correctly handle the rela-tionship between " centralization" and "decentralization ol the power" ; lilthly,to correctly handle the relation-ship between " management" and " service" ; sixthly, to properly handle the relationship between " restraint" and "lairness" ; seventhly,to correctly handle the relationship between "corruption prevention" and " probi-ty" ; the eighth is to correctly handle the relationship between " honor" and " humility" . Furthermore, we put lorward live ellective ways to strengthen the cultural construction ol the grass-roots branches ol central bank in the new era: emphasizing the efficiency,shaping the central bank's spirit,creating a harmonious atmosphere;setting examples to guide and create a Central Bank with live virtues culture,to provide some relerence lor the grass-root branches ol central banks to strengthen the cultural construction ol central Bank .
Cognition and Practice
grass-roots branches of
cultural construction
path analysis