

Identity Construction of Turkey on Binary Opposition
摘要 土耳其对于欧盟,既是重要的战略合作伙伴也是在欧盟身份认同中的"他者"。土耳其从上世纪开始就按照欧盟的入盟标准进行民主法制等全面改革,然而半个多世纪过去了,土耳其仍然没能成为欧盟一员。欧盟给出的理由很多,但不能使土耳其信服,其不能入盟的深层次原因就是土耳其欧洲西化身份认同未能建立。只有实现伊斯兰和欧洲西化二元属性的和谐统一,土耳其才能真正建构起稳定和谐开放的、让欧洲人信服的欧洲身份来。 Turkey is an important strategic cooperative partner for European Union,as well as"the other"in the identity of European Union. Since Kemal's Revolution at the end of 20 s,Turkey has reformed from bottom to top in accordance with EU accession criteria for comprehensive reform of democracy and legal system. However,more than half a century later,Turkey has still failed to become a member of European Union. The EU gives a lot of reasons yet ineffectively convinced by Turkey. The ultimate reason is that Turkey cannot meet the establishment of European Western identity. In the harmonious unification of Islam and two elements of European Westernization in Turkey identity,Turkey can truly build a stable,harmonious and open European identity that convinces the Europeans.
作者 廖维
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期94-96,共3页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
基金 重庆市"十二五"教育规划项目:"新伊拉斯漠教育计划对欧盟集体认同的解构研究"(项目编号:2014-GX-117)阶段性成果
关键词 土耳其身份认同 伊斯兰属性 欧洲西化属性 欧盟 identity of Turkey Islamic property European Westernization attribute European Union
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