

Research on relationship between occlusal plane inclination and guidance type in bruxism
摘要 目的通过对[牙合]平面的倾斜度与磨牙症咬[牙合]诱导类型的相关性研究,为磨牙症患者咬[牙合]重建目标的建立提供借鉴。方法从常规正畸治疗前选取患者50例,年龄16~55岁,测得术前头颅侧位片[牙合]平面倾斜度,包括前牙[牙合]平面(AOP),后牙[牙合]平面(POP),常规[牙合]平面(COP),同时计算前后[牙合]平面差(AOP-POP)。嘱患者夜间睡眠时戴用磨牙症检查装置Bruxchecker,至少8 h。根据Brux Checker上的印记出现在不同牙位上将咬[牙合]诱导类型分为(1)CG:尖牙诱导组;(2)GG1:双尖牙为主的组牙功能组;(3)GG2:有磨牙参与的组牙功能组;(4)MG:非工作侧接触组。四组间各类平面倾斜度数值进行单因素方差分析。结果 AOP与COP在CG与GG1间及GG1与MG间具有高度的显著性差异;POP在GG1与MG及GG2与MG间存在显著性差异;AOP-POP在CG与MG及GG2与MG间存在弱显著性差异。结论磨牙症患者的咬重建目标应适当降低后[牙合]牙平面倾斜度,增加前牙[牙合]平面倾斜度,减小前后牙[牙合]平面的差值。 Objective By studying on the relationship between occlusal plane inclination and guidance type in bruxism to provide a reference for the treatment goal of occlusal reconstruction. Methods 50 patients sought for orthodontic treatment were selected, aged from 16 to 55. Cephalometric evaluation was made on occlusal plane inclination, including anterior occlusal plane(AOP); posterior occlusal plane(POP); conventional occlusal plane(COP), and subtraction between AOP and POP(AOP-POP) was also calculated. Every patient was instructed to wear Brux Checker one night during sleep more than 8 hours. According to the marks left on the bruxism checker, occlusal guidance were divided into 4 groups: CG, canine-dominated grinding; GG1, group grinding without molars involved; GG2, group grinding with molars involved; MG, mediotrusive grinding. One-way ANOVA analysis was used to calculate the difference among groups. Results The value of AOP and COP are significantly different between CG and GG1 and between GG1 and MG; POP is significantly different between CG1 and MG and between GG2 and MG;and AOP-POP is significantly different both between GG2 and MG and between CG and MG. Conclusion It is suggested that the treatment goal in bruxism is to moderately reduce posterior occlusal plane inclination, increase anterior occlusal plane inclination and reduce the difference between anterior and posterior occlusal plane inclination.
作者 王明锋 冶录平 吴平 王祉娇 闫欣 WANG Ming-feng YE Lu-ping WU Ping WANG Zhi-jiao YAN Xin(Department of orthodontic treatment of oral hospital of Dalian,Liaoning Dalian 116021,China)
出处 《全科口腔医学电子杂志》 2016年第1期102-103,105,共3页 Electronic Journal of General Stomatology
关键词 磨牙症 [牙合]平面倾斜度 咬[牙合]诱导 Bruxism Guidance type Occlusal plane inclination
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