

The Breakthrough Point for Carrying Forward Excellent Traditional Culture
摘要 传统文化非常注重教育,注重培养德性,所以对于经典,对于传统文化,不能仅仅"诵其言辞,解其训诂",应该抓住要领,把握精髓,弘扬儒学真精神。德是优秀传统文化的核心所在,弘扬优秀传统文化的切入点与着力点就在于"成德"。对此,孔门教学为我们提供了有益的启示:真正的成人需要具备修身做人的基本准则,"道前定而不穷",人有了正确的价值观,有了正确的信仰与价值判断,才会去思考做一个什么样的人;"立爱自亲始,立敬自长始",孝悌是仁爱的基础;"以仁安人,以义正我",仁义之道,是中国伦理道德的核心;同时还要内外结合,用礼乐来加以修饰。 Chinese traditional culture highly emphasizes education, especially morality cultivation of the peo-le. So when studying classics and traditional culture, we should not only “ recite the sentences and explain the lec-ure ” ,but also master the essence of the articles so as to carry forward the true spirit of Confucianism. Morality is he core of excellent traditional culture, and the breakthrough point of carrying forward excellent traditional culture es in “ achieving morality ” ? For this, Confucius teaching provided beneficial enlightenment to us : the true mature erson should have the basic standards for his thoughts and behaviors, for “with his way prescribed, a person may ot fear of losing his direction”,and only when he possesses right sense of worth, a person may have correct belief nd judgment of value, and then begin to consider what kind of human being he wants to become; the sentence “ love others starts from loving his parents, and respect others from respecting his elder brother and sister" , means hat filial piety and fraternal duty is the basis for kindheartedness; the sentence “ kindness to love others, and righteousness to discipline oneself” stresses kindness and righteousness, which also means the core of Chinese ethics and morality; at the same time, the interior should be combined with the exterior, and modified by rites and music.
作者 卢巧玲 Lu Qiaoling(Qufii Normal University, Qufii City, Shandong Province, 273100)
机构地区 曲阜师范大学
出处 《黄河科技大学学报》 2017年第6期46-51,共6页 Journal of Huanghe S&T University
基金 2015年山东省社会科学规划研究项目(15CZXJ01) 2015年孔子与山东文化强省战略协同创新中心科研创新项目(KZXT01YB01)
关键词 孝悌 仁义 礼乐 Tao filial piety and fraternal duty kindness and righteousness rites and music
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