以河南白云山固定标准地群落调查数据为基础,分析比较了植物群落的结构特征及不同层次物种的多样性。结果表明:白云山芦花谷植物群落共有植物22种,隶属于16科21属。其中乔木层物种较为丰富,主要树种为锐齿槲栎(Quercus alina var.acuteserrata),重要值为33.456;灌木层主要优势种为连翘(Forsythia suspensa)和悬钩子(Rubus corchorifolius),两种灌木的重要值合计为95.905;草本层主要优势种为宽叶苔草(Carex siderosticta)和稀羽鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris sparsa),两种草本的重要值合计为74.815;群落乔木层树种组成分布以小径阶林木居多,其次是中径阶,大径阶较少,由此可以得出所调查样地群落林分以幼龄树种和中龄树种居多,乔木层树种正处于更新状态和全面生长阶段;乔木层植物群落多样性指数明显高于草本层和灌木层,说明乔木树种资源较林下丰富多样;群落均匀度指数以灌木层最大,可知灌木层分布较为均匀。
Based on the community survey data at the fixed standard plot in Baiyun Mountain of Henan Province, this study was conducted on the plant community structure characteristics and species diversity at different levels. The results show that there are 22 species of plant, belonging to 21 genera in 16 families, in the Baiyun Mountain. The species in the arbor layer are relatively abundant, the main tree species is Quercus alina var. Acuteserrata; the main dominant species in the shrub layer are Forsythia suspensa and Rubus corchorifolius; and main species in the herb layer are Carex rigescens and Dryopteris sparsa. In the plant community the arbor layer species composition distribution in the number shows more small-diameter-class trees, fewer big-diameter-class trees and the mid-diameter-class trees in between; the community’s forest stand can be known to be of more low-age trees and mid-age trees in the surveyed sample plot; and the tree species in the arbor layer are in the forest succession and at the young to full growth stage. The diversity index (J, D, H) of arbor layer in the plant community is signifcantly higher than that of the herb layer and the shrub layer, meaning that the community’s diverse tree species resources are more abundant than the under-forest’s; and the community evenness index (E) of the shrub layer is the highest, the distribution of the shrub layer can be known to be more uniform.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences
plant community
species structure
species diversity
Luhua Valley
Baiyun Mountain