
安全与发展并重视角下的网络食品销售安全监管问题 被引量:2

Food Sales Online Safety Supervision from the Perspective of Safety and Development
摘要 目的:保障网售食品安全,促进网络食品市场健康快速发展。方法:梳理网络食品安全现状,对违法现象进行分类,分析违法现象产生的原因,进一步分析网络食品安全问题产生的深层次原因,最终提出对网络食品市场进行治理的建议。结果:网络食品安全问题有缺少法律法规的普遍性违法,由于经营者"不知情"而违法和经营者故意售假、造假三种类型。网络食品安全问题的产生不仅是由法律法规缺失和监管不到位造成,也是由信息不对称、消费需求层次低、食品产业基础薄弱、政府监管处于转型期等深层次原因导致。结论:网络食品安全问题需要针对原因和根源标本兼治,并在把握网络食品市场特征的基础上,发挥现代政府治理理念。一方面,理顺市场机制,缓解市场失灵,并且完善法律法规作为保障。另一方面变革政府监管方式和手段,提高监管的针对性。 Objective To guarantee the security of food sales online and promote the healthy and rapid development of online food market. Method The paper carded security status of food sales online,classified the illegal phenomenon,analyzed the causes of illegal phenomenon,analyzed the deep-seated reasons of security issues of food sales online,and finally proposed recommendations on governance of online food market. Result Three were three types of security issues of food sales online including the lack of legal regulations universality,illegal operators were"uninformed"and illegal operators deliberately selling or manufacturing fakes. It generated security issues of food sales online was not only caused by the lack of laws and regulation in place,but also by the asymmetry of information,low levels of consumer demand,the weak foundation of the food industry and government regulation in transition. Conclusion The security issues of food sales online needed to treat the causes and the deep-seated reasons,and play modern governance concept based on the characteristics of online food market. On the one hand,we should rationalize the market mechanism and ease the market failure,and improve laws and regulations as a guarantee. On the other hand,we should change the ways and means of government regulation and improve regulatory targeted.
作者 赵静 李宁宁
出处 《中国食物与营养》 2017年第10期29-33,共5页 Food and Nutrition in China
基金 2015年度高等学校国内访问工程师校企合作项目 2015年浙江省教育厅科研项目(项目编号:Y201534592) 浙江省食品药品监管系统科技计划项目(项目编号:2014019) 2017年宁波市政府决策咨询课题(项目编号:J17-A21)
关键词 网络 互联网 食品安全 监管 online network food safety supervision
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