In recent y e a r s, the telecommunicat ion s mfrastructure sharing w o rk has a ch ie v ed certain results, the sharing rate in-creased year by year, but sharing coordination d i f f icu lt, s low , the product ion o f n ew tow e r lo ca t ion prob lem o f lo w rate h a v e been prominent, how to further ch an g e the w o rk id ea, innovat ion m o d e, spe ed up the te le com infrastructure sharing w o rk , m eet the industrialization, information te ch n o lo g y integration and d ev e lopm en t the demand is the current problem s to b e so lv e d . U n -der the background of the towe r comp an y has b e en set u p, v ir tu a l operators to enter the telecommunicat ion s industry, and a c t iv-ely explore the establishment of n ew te le commu nicat ion s infrastructure under the n ew situation to b u i ld a n ew m ode l o f shar ing,
Information & Communications
co - construct ion
shar ingteleeommunication