为了解决仅依靠基站对移动台定位不准确,提高移动台的定位精度,研究了基于MR(Measure Report,测量报告)指纹库的室内外联合定位方法。该算法主要分为两步:第一步是粗定位,区分出室内和室外的MR;第二步是精细化定位,将MR定位到具体的位置。实验结果表明,基于MR指纹库的室内外定位方法可以有效提升定位精准度。
In order to solve the only rely on the base station to the mobile station position is not accurate and improve the posi-tioning precision of the mobile station, this paper proposes a location method based on MR (Measure Report) fingerprint of in-door and outdoor joint. The algorithm is mainly divided into two steps: the first step is coarse positioning to distinguish between indoor and outdoor MR;the second step is to fine positioning MR to a specific location.The experimental results show that the method can improve positioning accuracy effectively.
Information & Communications