目的了解河南省高中学生性知识来源、性行为及艾滋病知识态度现况。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,在河南省14个市、县抽取高中学生16 640人,使用《中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(高中版)》进行现场匿名问卷调查。结果17.6%的高中生看过色情书籍或音像制品,高中生了解性知识的最主要渠道以学校、同学和朋友、电视广播杂志科普书刊最多。4.3%的高中生曾有过性行为,城市高中生性行为发生率高于农村高中生,男生高于女生,职业技术学校学生高于普通高中和重点高中学生,学习差的学生性行为报告率较高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。发生过性行为的高中生中,37.7%的学生是被迫的,乡村学生强迫性行为的发生率高于城市学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。63.3%的高中生未受过艾滋病预防教育,高中生艾滋病病原体知晓率为56.2%,部分高中生对艾滋病感染者持负向态度。结论河南省高中生存在一定比例的性行为,但整体接受艾滋病预防教育不足,需要加大健康教育力度,在教育过程中需要根据不同的人群特征采取不同的方法。
OBJECTIVE To understand the status of source of sexual knowledge,sexual behaviors and AIDS-related knowledge and atti-tude in Henan high school students.METHODS 16 640 students were selected from 14 cities and counties by stratified random clus-ter sampling,and then they were investigated in the way of anonymous with "China Youth Health Risk Behaviors Questionnaire(highschool volume)".RESULTS 17.6% of high school students have seen pornographic books or audio-visual products,and the main wayhigh school students knew sexual knowledge were school,classmates and friends,and TV,radio or magazines.4.3% students reportedthat they had ever experienced sexual intercourse,urban students had higher sexual behavior reported rates than rural students,the re-ported rates of male was higher than female,prevalence of sexual behaviors among vocational high school students was higher thanthe students from key high school and common high school,and students with poor learning had higher reported rates of sexual behav-ior,the differences were significant(P<0.05).Among the students who had ever experienced sexual behavior,37.7% of them wereforced;the reported rate in rural students was significantly higher than that in city students(P<0.05).63.3% high school studentshave not received AIDS prevention education,the awareness of AIDS pathogen in high school students was 56.2%,and part of stu-dents' attitude to HIV infected people were negative.CONCLUSIONS Sexual behaviors existed in Henan high school students,whilethey lacked knowledge of sex and AIDS prevention,health education should strengthen in future.The education should depend on thecharacters of different students.
Chinese Primary Health Care
high school students
sexual behaviors
questionnaire survey