

Research and application of optimum control process for indium extraction
摘要 铟冶炼过程萃取工序生产能力低,生产成本高,本研究从科学控制并稳定萃取料液及有机相流量和如何提高有机相利用率展开研究,对萃取液体流量进行自动化控制,稳定了萃取生产能力;研究了不同料液品位与有机相反应的最佳接触时间,有效提高了有机相的利用率,降低了生产成本。 The extraction process of indium in smelting process of low production capacity, high production cost, this study from the scientific control and the stability of extraction liquid and organic phase flow and how to improve the utilization rate of the organic phase, the automatic control of the liquid flow extraction, the extraction of stable production capacity; the best contact time and organic feed grade phase response, effectively improve the utilization rate of the organic phases, reduce the production cost.
出处 《世界有色金属》 2017年第16期15-16,共2页 World Nonferrous Metals
关键词 铟冶炼 萃取 有机相 接触时间 indium smelting extraction organic phase contact time
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