It took 15 years, 3 billion USD, and thousands of top scientists from all over the world to complete the Human Genome Project (HGP). Our next grand challenge in biological sciences, the worldwide Human Brain Project (HBP), will be much more complex than HGP. Human brain is the most complex organ on this planet, which is also highly energy efficient. HBP mainly consists of three areas: understanding the normal brain functions, tackling major brain disorders,
It took 15 years, 3 billion USD, and thousands of top scientists from all over the world to complete the Human Genome Project (HGP). Our next grand challenge in biological sciences, the worldwide Human Brain Project (HBP), will be much more complex than HGP. Human brain is the most complex organ on this planet, which is also highly energy efficient. HBP mainly consists of three areas: understanding the normal brain functions, tackling major brain disorders,