我国每年有超过50万人死于心源性猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD),居世界各国之首。SCD不仅严重威胁公共卫生健康,而且救治成功率低,绝大部分在院外就已经死亡。因此,对处于猝死高危状态的人群采取及时有效的预防措施是减少SCD发生的关键。近年来,随着无创性检查技术领域不断发展,预测SCD发生的指标成为研究的焦点。本文主要综述预测SCD的心电指标,如反映心室复极水平的Tp-e、Tp-e/QT、TWA、缺血性J波;反映心室除极水平的QRS波时限、碎裂QRS波、窄而高QRS波,通过这些无创指标在时限、比值、形态方面的变化,来评价心脏电活动,以预防心脏恶性事件,最终避免SCD的发生。
More than 500,000 people die from sudden cardiac death( SCD) each yearin our country,which is on the top of the world. The SCD is a serious threat to public health. The key to reduce the SCD occurring is totake timely and effective prevention measures in the high risk SCD group. Wemainly reviewedthe significance of some ECGparameters,such as the Tp-e,Tp-e/QT,T wave alternating electric,QRS duration,fragmented QRS,narrow and high QRS,as well asischemic J wave,in preventing SCD.
Journal of Dalian Medical University