以上海市4条具有城市化梯度差异的城市样带为研究对象,于2013年-2014年沿样带选取典型城市绿地进行土壤采样调查。研究区域内设置121个样点,包含7种不同的土地利用/功能区类型,采集0~15,15~30,30~50 cm深度梯度的土壤样品对土壤有机碳(SOC)含量进行测定,分析上海城市绿地SOC含量格局特征,并讨论其潜在影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)SOC含量在水平方向呈现空间异质性,城市化进程潜在影响了绿地土壤碳含量的空间格局;(2)伴随土地利用和功能区划的人为干扰作用是驱动上海城市土壤SOC储量变化的关键因素;(3)上海城市绿地土壤0~15 cm深度层的SOC含量显著大于下面两层(15~30和30~50cm),表现出SOC含量在垂直方向上递减的规律。
Four sampling transects in different urbanization gradient have been established during 2013pling was conducted at 121 sites over green space, covering 7 different land - use types. Soils were sampled at 0 - 15, 15 - 30 and 30 -50cm depths at each site. Then the soil organic carbon( S0C) content of each site was analyzed in order to discuss potential impact factors in characteristics of S0C content pattern in Shanghai urban green space. The results showed that: (1) S0C content represented a spatial heterogeneity in horizontal directionaffected by urbanization. (2) Along with the land use change and function regionalization, anthropogenic interference becamea key factor in changingS0C storage ofShanghai urban soil. (3) S0C content of Shanghai urban green spaceat 0 -15 cm depth level was significantly greater than the other two layerscm) . S0C contents in various functional types decreasewith soil depth.
Environmental Science and Management