通过对未来卫星通信业务特点的分析,提出一种分组交换和子带交换一体化的星上交换架构,采用具有交叉节点缓存的Cross-Bar交换架构设计实现了100 Gbps以上的交换容量;通过在输入端对子带交换业务进行二次封装和在输出端对子带进行重新排序,实现了分组交换和柔性转发在交换层面上的统一;提出了面向最小化交换时延抖动的分组调度算法,满足柔性转发业务对交换时延抖动的要求,解决了传统Cross-Bar交换结构存在的高延迟抖动及两种业务并存引起的交换时延抖动恶化问题。仿真结果表明,一体化交换结构总体上具有更好的交换延迟,且在较高分组到达率情况下具有更低的平均分组延迟。
According to the development tendency of service of communication satellite,architecture of packet and suband integrative switching based on storaging Cross-Bar has been proposed and has reached over 100 Gbps throughput. In the switching layer,second encapsulation of sub-band data at the input port and sequence reorder at the output port have been used to coordinate with packet switching data. In order to solve the problem of switching delay jitter degradation due to the mixture of packet switching and flexible transponder data,minimum switching schedule algorithm have been proposed. Simulation results show that the switch fabric proposed in this paper obtain better overall switching delay performance and much lower delay with large relative arrival ratio.
Space Electronic Technology