小曲白酒酿造原料以高粱为主,蒸煮过程分为初蒸、焖水和复蒸,存在生产时间长、能耗高、劳动强度大的缺点。一次性蒸煮可有效简化高粱蒸煮工艺,节省人力成本,降低能耗和污染,更利于实现蒸粮自动化,显著提升企业品牌效应和经济效益。实验对澳洲高粱和东北高粱泡粮后直接加水一次性蒸煮工艺进行了探究,并得到最佳蒸煮工艺:澳洲高粱在泡粮后粮水比1∶0.5,前40 min时,压力维持0.07 MPa,后50 min时,压力维持0.04 MPa,熟粮整体软硬适中,水分控制在55.0%左右,平均出酒率为58.25%;东北高粱在泡粮后粮水比1∶0.38,前40 min时,压力维持0.07 MPa,后30 min时,压力维持0.04 MPa,粮食整体软硬适中,水分控制在53.0%左右,平均出酒率为59.84%;蒸煮前期约每10 min可转锅一次,增加粮食一致性和透芯性。
Xiaoqu Baijiu is produced with sorghum as the main raw material. Traditionally, the steaming process of sorghum includes first steaming, stewing, and secondary steaming, which has the disadvantages such as long processing time, high energy consumption,and high labor intensity. One-off steaming of sorghum could effectively simplify the steaming process, reduce labor costs, and reduce energy consumption and pollution. It's certainly more conducive to realize automated steaming and enhance enterprise brand effects and economic benefits significantly. In the experiments, one-off steaming of sorghum from Australia and Northeast China(direct water-adding) was investigated and the best technical conditions were summed up as follows: for Australia sorghum, the ratio of sorghum to water was 1∶0.5 in sorghum soaking, the pressure kept at 0.07 MPa for the first 40 min and kept at 0.04 MPa for the following 50 min in the process of steaming, the moisture content of the cooked sorghum was controlled at about 55 %, and the average liquor yield finally reached up to 58.25 %; for sorghum from Northeast China, the ratio of sorghum to water was 1∶0.38 in sorghum soaking, the pressure kept at 0.07 Mpa for the first 40 min and kept at 0.04 MPa for the following 30 min in the process of steaming,the moisture content of the cooked sorghum was controlled at about 53 %, and the average liquor yield finally reached up to 59.84 %.In addition, steamer should be turned approximately every 10 min in the prior stage of steaming to increase sorghum consistency and permeability.
Liquor-Making Science & Technology
one-off steaming
Australian sorghum
Northeast China sorghum
new techniques for Xiaoqu Baijiu production