Objective To invesligale the effecl of oclreolide combined with lansoprazole sodium for emergency Irealmenl of acule gaslroinleslinal hemorrhage. Methods From June 2014 lo June 2015, 60 cases of palienls wilh acule gaslroinleslinal hemorrhage in our hospilal for emergency lrealmenl were randomly divided inlo observalion group and conlrol group, wilh 30 palienls in each group. The observalion group was lrealed wilh oclreolide combined wilh lansoprazole sodium, while lhe conlrol group was lrealed wilh oclreolide only. The hemoslasis lime, ospilalizalion lime and lrealmenl effecls of lhe lwo groups were observed. Results The hemoslasis lime and hospilalizalion lime of lhe observalion group were significanlly shorler lhan lhose in lhe conlrol group, lhe differences were slalislically significanl (P 〈0.05). The lolal effeclive rale of lhe observalion group was higher lhan lhal of lhe conlrol group, lhe difference was slalislically significanl ( P 〈0.05). In lhe observalion group, 2 palienls presenled wilh pale, swealing and olher symploms, and lhey were improved afler adjusling lhe drip rale and symplomalic lrealmenl; in lhe conlrol group, 3 palienls had nausea, vomiling and olher symploms, and lhey were improved afler symplomalic lrealmenl. There were no serious adverse reaclions occurred in lhe lwo groups. Conclusion Oclreolide combined wilh lansoprazole sodium has significanl emergency lrealmenl for acule gaslroinleslinal hemorrhage. Il has shorl hemoslasis lime, and is safe and reliable wilh less adverse reaclion, which is conducive lo lhe palienl's disease recovery. Il can shorlen lhe palienls' hospilal slay, and is worlh being widely used.
WAN Lin(Deparlmenl of Emergency ICU, the Second Affilialed Hospilal of Xi'an Jiaolong Universily, Xi'an 710004, China)
Clinical Research and Practice
acule gaslroinleslinal hemorrhage
lansoprazole sodium