Objective To analyze the effecl of conservalive therapy and surgical Irealmenl in patients with acute abdomen in deparlmenl of obslelrics and gynecology. Methods Ninly cases of palienls wilh acule abdomen of obslelrics and gynecology treated in our hospital from February 2014 lo February 2016 were divided into observation group (70 cases) and control group (20 cases) according lo different treatment methods. The observation group received surgical treatment, while lhe control group received conservalive treatment. The clinical effects and lhe quality of life before and after treatment were compared in lhe lwo groups. Results There were 70 palienls underwent surgery (77.8%), and 20 palienls received conservalivelrealmenl(22.2%).Theoperalionlimewas(60.9±3.1)minandlheaverageamounlofbleedingwas(36.2±2.4)mL in lhe observation group. There was no significant difference in lhe lolal effective rale of treatment between lhe lwo groups ( P 〉0.05). Before and after treatment, lhe differences in lhe scores of life quality between lhe lwo groups were nol significant ( P 〉0.05); and after treatment, lhe scores of life quality of both groups significantly improved ( P 〈0.05). Conclusion In lhe treatment of palienls wilh acule abdomen of obslelrics and gynecology, choosing lhe appropriate treatment according lo lhe different conditions of palienls can achieve a good clinical effecl.
Clinical Research and Practice
deparlmenl of obslelrics and gynecology
acule abdomen
quality of life