Objective To invesligale the ejects of minimally invasive exlraclion and Iradilional exlraclion in maxillary molar removal. Methods A lolal of 174 palienls undergoing maxillary molars removal lrealmenl in our hospilal from January 2013 lo December 2015 were randomly divided inlo conlrol group and observalion group, wilh 87 cases in each group. The conlrol group was lrealed wilh lradilional loolh exlraclion, lhe observalion group was lrealed wilh minimally invasive exlraclion. The fear exlenl, inlegrily degree of alveolar sockel and posloperalive adverse reaclions were compared belween lhe lwo groups. Results The fear exlenl and lhe inlegrily degree of alveolar sockel in lhe observalion group were significanlly beller lhan lhose in lhe conlrol group ( P〈0.05), and lhe pain, moulh opening difficully and gingival swelling of lhe palienls in lhe observalion group were significanlly less lhan lhose in lhe conlrol group ( P〈0.05). Conclusion Compared wilh lradilional exlraclion, minimally invasive loolh exlraclion in maxillary molar removal is more effeclive, il has fewer injuries lo lhe alveolar sockel during operalion and less posloperalive adverse reaclions, and could reduce lhe palienl's adverse psychological reaclion lo lhe operalion, lhe lrealmenl is safe and effeclive.
Clinical Research and Practice
minimally invasive loolh exlraclion
lradilional exlraclion
maxillary molars removal