Objective To invesligale the effecl of Iradilional Chinese medicine ( TCM) in the treatment of mild and moderate essential hypertension. Methods From June 2013 lo October 2016, 134 cases of patients with mild and moderate hypertension in our hospilal were randomly divided into control group and study group, with 67 cases in each group. The palienls in lhe control group were treated with western medicine, and lhe palienls in lhe study group were treated with Chinese medicine. The treatment effects and blood pressure before and after treatment in lhe lwo groups were compared. Results The lolal effective rale in lhe study group was 94.03%, which was significantly higher than 76.12% in lhe control group ( P〈0.05). Before treatment, lhe diastolic and systolic blood pressure between lhe lwo groups were nol significantly different ( P〉0.05). After treatment, lhe diastolic and systolic blood pressure in lhe lwo groups decreased, and those of lhe study group were significantly lower than lhe control group ( P〈0.05). Conclusion The Chinese medicine treatment of mild and moderate essential hypertension can effectively improve lhe clinical treatment effecl, and belter control the blood pressure of palienls.
Clinical Research and Practice
essential hypertension
TCM treatment
blood pressure