Owing to the restrictions in weather conditions and rev is it cycle o f satellites,single satellite can?t successively acquire effective opt ical RS data for long-term monitoring the ter res tr ial environments. Therefore, i t is crucial impor tant to analyze the multi-spectral informat ion of multi-source RS data. In this study, two groups of clear RS images (GF-1 and Landsat-8, GF-1 and Sentinel-2A), in along wi th ground survey data, were respectively acquired on identical date. Four bands, blue, green, red and near infrared (NIR) , were selected to compare their spectral characteristics. At the same time, conversion equationfor reflectance of four corresponding spectral bands was derived respectively v ia s tat ist ical regression method. The result shows that each pair of bands in the two comparing groups has a strong correlation. And, these conversion equations can effectively converse spectral informat ion in between each band of two comparing groups wi th a bet ter precision. This study provides a useful technological approach for the identical date informat ion integration and syngeneic appl icat ion of multi-spec tral RS data from the same day, as well as quant itat ively monitoring the long-term dynamics in environments and resources at regional scale.
Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)