输气管道在平原沙土区建设过程中引起了农田地力下降、临近河道淤积、土方丢失、周围建筑受损等问题,增加了管道的建设难度、运行风险和资金投入。通过对土壤液化的基本理论和土壤液化事故事件的调查研究,结合如东—海门—崇明岛输气管道工程实际情况,探明管道经过平原沙土区的水土流失成因、危害,制定出具有针对性的线路、场站工程措施和管理措施。调查结果表明,这些措施实施后,管道作业带和场站、阀室的土壤流失控制比由1.0降低至0.78和0.8,植草恢复及治理度由97%提高到98.4%,林草覆盖率由15%提高到29.9%,每千米管道土方购入费用降低约7 200元,周边建筑未发生破损,农田临时补偿由原来的2~3季降低至1季补偿,工程未因水土流失问题受到阻工,沿线生态恢复情况良好,周边河流通航和灌溉未受到影响,同时提高了管道运行安全性,进而带动了沿线经济的发展。
The construction of the gas transportation pipeline in plain-sand areas causes problems such as the decline of the land fertility of the farmland,siltation of nearby rivers,the loss of the earthwork,and the damage of the surrounding buildings,which increase the construction difficulty,the operation risk and the capital investment.Based on the basic theory of soil liquefaction and the investigation of soil liquefaction accidents,combined with the actual situation of Rudong-Haimen-Chongmingdao gas pipeline,the causes and hazards of soil water loss can be found,and some targeted engineering and management measures of lines and stations are formulated.The results show that after implementing above measures,the soil erosion control ratio of pipeline operation zones,stations and valve rooms decreases from 1.0 to 0.78 and 0.8 respectively,the soil erosion control ratio of stations decrease from 1.0 to 0.8,grass restoration and management degree increases from 97% to 98.4%,forest coverage increases from 15% to 29.9%,and the cost of purchase of pipeline earthwork per kilometer decreases by about 7200 yuan.The surrounding buildings are not damaged,the temporary compensation for farmland decreases form 2-3 seasons to 1 season,the project is not affected by soil and water erosion,ecological recovery along the pipeline recovers well,the navigation and irrigation of nearby river are not affected,while these measures also increase safety operation of the pipeline and thus drive the economic development along the areas.
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering
oil and gas pipeline
plain-sand areas
soil and water loss