

On the Understanding Function of Manchu Translated Novels in Qing Dynasty
摘要 满族世代居住于白山黑水之间,是一个马背上的民族,也是一个渔猎的民族,相较于中原地区的汉民族,满族知识文化相对薄弱,与传承千年,博大精深,自成体系的汉文化不可同日而语。清代国家政权一旦建立,统治者便急于学习底蕴丰富的汉文化来提高本民族人民的素质。汉族古典小说作为文学作品包含着一定的哲学、道德、宗教等价值观念的内容,作家总是希望通过作品中的故事或人物把这种价值评判传达给读者,以期望与读者达到价值观念上的共识。本文从文学的认识功能方面来探究满译小说的文学功能,使用满文翻译的汉族古典小说可以使满族人更好地了解汉族人,深入全面感知汉文化,一方面提升本民族的素质。因为通过文学的表达方式,可以看到汉族文化的风姿、风情和风貌,而通过历史的表达方式,又可以看到汉族文化的悠远、深厚和多元。 Manchu generations living in the mountains and between,is a nation on horseback,is also a fishing nation,compared to the Central Plains region of the Han nationality,Manchu culture broad and profound knowledge is relatively weak. The heritage of thousands of years,and since the Han culture system cannot be mention in the same breath. Once the state power was established in the Qing Dynasty,the rulers were eager to learn the rich Chinese culture to improve the quality of the people of this nation. Chinese classical novels as a literary work contains philosophy,moral and religious values of certain content,writers always hope that through the story or characters in the works to convey the value judgment to the reader,is expected to reach a value of readers and the consensus of the concept. This paper explores the full understanding of the literary function of translated novels from aspects of the function of literature,the use of Manchu translation Chinese classical novels can make people have a better understanding of Manchu and Han people,in-depth and comprehensive perception of Chinese culture,enhance the national quality on the one hand. Because the expression through literature,we can see the culture charm,style and style,distant deep and diverse and the expressions of the history and culture of the Han nationality.
作者 贾杉杉
出处 《湖北函授大学学报》 2017年第5期182-183,共2页
关键词 满文翻译 汉文化 价值观念 Manchu language translation Chinese culture values
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