
发扬党的三大作风 加强党内政治文化根基建设

Carry forward the Party's Three Important Styles of Work and Strengthen the Foundation of Political Culture within the Party
摘要 理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评与自我批评的三大作风是我们党的光荣传统和优良作风。依托三大作风,有利于加强党内政治文化根基建设。理论联系实际的作风是党内政治文化建设的思想基础;密切联系群众的作风是党内政治文化建设的价值取向;批评与自我批评的作风是党内政治文化建设的活力源泉。因此,加强党内政治文化建设,既要发扬党的优良传统和作风,又要与时俱进,注入新的时代内容,关键在于立足时代,坚持问题导向,注重针对性。 It is a glorious tradition and fine work style of our party to integrate theory with practice, forge close link with the masses, and practise criticism and self-criticism. These three important styles of work enrich the foundation of the party’s political culture. Integrating theory with practice is the ideological base of the foundation of political culture within the Party. Forging close link with the masses is the value orientation of the foundation of the political culture within the Party. Practising criticism and self-criticism is the vitality source of the foundation of the political culture within the Party. Therefore, to strengthen the party’s political culture foundation, it is necessary not only to carry forward the party’s fine tradition and styles, but also to keep pace with the times of fresh content. The key is to adhere to the problem orientation and focus on targeted issues.
作者 尹汉宁 Yin Hanning(The Standing Committee of the Peopled Congress of Hubei Province, Wuhan, Chin)
出处 《文化软实力研究》 2017年第3期5-8,共4页 Studies on Cultural Soft Power
关键词 三大作风 理论联系实际 密切联系群众 批评与自我批评 党内政治文化建设 Three Important Styles of Work Integrate Theory with Practice Forge Close Link with the Masses Practise Criticism and Self-criticism Foundation of the Political Culture within the Party
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