
韩熙载的政治命运与内心隐曲 被引量:1

Han Xizai's Political Destiny and Hidden Mind
摘要 五代文人韩熙载南奔归吴,辅助徐知诰代吴自立,建立南唐。他年轻气盛,积极主张北伐,但与烈祖李昪保境息民的国策相左,遂感理想失落。中主李璟即位后,韩熙载积极参政,审时度势,并且与宋齐丘等奸佞展开斗争。后主李煜时期,韩熙载目睹南唐国势衰颓,难以匡救,故此表现出疏狂不羁的性情举止。著名的《韩熙载夜宴图》真实再现了韩氏竭尽声色欢娱的情状,而其背后,则又潜藏着他身处南唐政坛旋涡之中身不由己、以自污而避祸的内心隐衷。 Han Xizai( 韩熙载),one of the prominent literati in the Five Dynasties( 907-960),defected to the state of Wu,where he assisted Xu Zhigao( 徐知诰) in overthrowing the state of Wu and establishing the Southern Tang Dynasty( 937-975). Han Xizai( 韩熙载) was young and aggressive,actively advocating a northward expedition. However,the political ideals and policies pursued by him ran against King Li Bian's( 李昪) fundamental national policy of safeguarding the border and people's interest. Therefore,Han felt a loss of ideals. After the second king Li Jing ascended the throne,Han Xizai( 韩熙载) actively got himself involved in political affairs and fought courageously against treacherous court ministers such as Song Qiqiu( 宋齐丘). Li Yu( literally known as the ‘Last Ruler Li'or ‘Last Lord Li') was the third ruler of the Southern Tang Dynasty,during whose reign Han Xizai( 韩熙载) had become increasingly disenchanted and exhibited uninhibited temperament and behavior towards others. The famous painting themed on 'Han Xizai's Evening Banquet'vividly describes how Han Xizai( 韩熙载) got entangled in sensual pleasures and debauchery. But behind it,Han Xizai( 韩熙载) avoided making known his reservations,true feelings or troubles that he wished to keep to himself amid the tumultuous court politics in the Southern Tang Dynasty.
作者 高峰
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2017年第10期9-12,共4页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 韩熙载 识见 疏狂 隐衷 Han Xizai(韩熙载) insight uninhibitedness reservation
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