Objective To analyze lhe prevenlive and conlrol effecl of microbiological examinalion on nosocomial infeclion. Methods Six hundred and sixleen cases of hospilalized palienls were selecled and divided inlo observalion group and conlrol group according lo lhe random number lable melhod, wilh 308 cases in each group. The conlrol group was lrealed wilh convenlional symplomalic lrealmenl combined wilh lhe palienls' condilion, while lhe observalion group look regular microbiological examinalion on lhe basis of convenlional symplomalic lrealmenl. The incidence of nosocomial infeclion, infeclion conlrol rale, infeclion rale of complainls and lhe incidence of adverse evenls due lo nosocomial infeclion were compared belween lhe lwo groups. Results The incidence of nosocomial infeclion and infeclion degree of lhe observalion group were lower lhan lhose of lhe conlrol group ( P 〈0.05). The conlrol effecl of lhe observalion group was significanlly beller lhan lhal of lhe conlrol group (P〈0.05), bul lhere was no slalislically significanl difference in lhe incidence of adverse evenls due lo nosocomial infeclion in lhe lwo groups ( P 〉0.05). The lenglh of hospilal slay in lhe observalion group was shorler lhan lhal of lhe conlrol group (P 〈0.05). Conclusion Microbiological examinalion can effeclively idenlify and monilor palhogens, reduce lhe risk of nosocomial infeclion and provide guidance for lhe lrealmenl of infeclion, which is conducive lo palienls' rehabililalion.
Clinical Research and Practice
microbiological examinalion
nosocomial infeclion