目的建立Buxco无创肺功能仪检测小鼠哮喘模型肺功能的方法。方法雌性ICR小鼠20只随机分为正常对照组和哮喘模型组,用卵白蛋白(OVA)氢氧化铝凝胶皮下多点注射加腹腔注射致敏小鼠和反复吸入抗原攻击建立哮喘模型。用乙酰甲胆碱(Mch)梯度浓度雾化吸入激发支气管收缩反应,Buxco无创肺功能仪检测和记录激发过程中呼吸常规指标和气道阻力参数-增强呼吸间歇(Penh)的变化。结果与对照组比较,哮喘模型组小鼠随Mch激发的雾化吸入浓度增大呼吸频率(F)逐渐减慢、吸气时间(Ti)和呼气时间(Te)逐渐延长、Penh值显著增加。结论 Buxco无创肺功能仪检测Mch诱导的小鼠哮喘模型气道高反应性(AHR)呈现出良好的量效关系,是一个测定气道高反应的良好工具。
Objective To establish a method for testing pulmonary function by Buxco's non-invasive whole-body plethysmography (WBP) in mice. Methods Twenty female ICR mice were randomly divided into control group and asthmatic model group. Each mouse in model group was subcutaneously injected (multisites) and intraperitoneally injected (one site) with ovalbumin (OVA) which was dissolved in aluminium hydroxide adjuvant. OVA-sensitized mice were challenged by inhalation of antigen. For bronchial provocation test, various concentration of methacholine (Mch) aerosolized by a jet nebulizer. Respiration parameters and lung resistance, showed as the value of enhanced pause (Perth) were measured by the WBP before and after Mch challenge. Results Compared with control group, bronchial challenge of Mch dose-dependently induced significant deceleration of frequency of breathing (F) and increases of inspiration time (Ti), expiration time (Te) and the value of Penh in OVA-sensitized mice. Conclusions The results proved that the WBP of pulmonary function presented a dose-dependent on testing Mch-challenged airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in mice. It may be a potential testing method for AHR.
Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine