
研究生学位授权审核改革理念 被引量:7

The Reform Conception of Postgraduate Degree-granting Authorization and Accreditation
摘要 研究生学位授权审核是研究生教育体系的重要组成部分,"服务需求、提高质量"是现在及今后一段时间中国研究生学位授权审核制度改革理念。但目前学位授权审核实践难以满足"服务需求、提高质量"的要求,高校存在盲目申点、学科点规模只增不减等问题,导致资源浪费和质量危机。本研究通过对68位国务院学位委员中的38位进行半结构式访谈,采用质性分析软件Nvivo8.0对访谈结果进行分析。研究结果表明,国务院学位委员们认同"服务需求、提高质量"发展理念,尤其应将"提高质量"作为改革的中心,继续完善学位授权审核质量保障和监督体系。学位授权审核需要从优化结构与布局、完善内外部质量保障体系、放权省级学位办、调整学科专业目录和学位授权审核常态化等方面贯彻落实。但在优化结构是否要达到区域平衡、质量保障是否要纳入"第三方评估"、放权给谁和下放哪些权力、研究生发展规模是否要扩大、面对跨学科、新学科的出现如何调整学科目录和学位授权审核是否应该常态化等具体实施策略上存在一些争议。现代学位授权审核制度应该在外在需求与内在质量之间寻求适当的平衡。研究生学位授权审核要抓好顶层设计,构建边界明确、国家、省(市)和高校三者协作的权责管理体系,优化研究生教育结构与科学布局,健全授权点动态调整机制,缓解区域研究生教育不均衡发展矛盾,创新内外联动的质量保障体系,体现其动态性、法治性、权威性和常态化的特质,促进研究生教育高水平发展。 The postgraduate degree-granting authorization and accreditation is an important part of postgraduate educational system.The reform concept of this system is "serving the needs,improving the quality" in the existing period and afterward.Currently,however,the implementation of degree-granting authorization and accreditation is difficult to cater for the requirement.There are problems including blindly applying degree-granting authorization of universities and merely increasing the scale of degree-granting authorization of disciplines,which result in the waste of resources and the crisis of quality.Through the semi-structured interviews with the thirty eight of sixty eight members of the Degree Committee of the State Council,this paper employs Nvivo8.0 to analyze the data qualitatively.The result shows that those members agree with the reform concept.Particularly, "improving the quality" should be as a core factor in the reform,and the quality assurance and supervision system of degree-granting authorization and accreditation should be improved constantly.The key reform of the degree-granting authorization and accreditation is to optimize the structure and layout,improve the internal and external quality assurance system,decentralize the power to provincial degree affairs office,adjust the discipline catalog,and normalize the whole procedure.However,there still exists controversy in the specific implementation,involving whether the optimization structure to achieve regional balance,whether the "third party assessment" to be included in the quality assurance,how to decentralize power,whether the scale of postgraduate to be expanded,how to adjust the subject directory in terms of interdisciplinary and the emergence of new disciplines and whether the system to be normalized.The controversy mainly revolves around the reform of demand and quality,and the content of modern higher education quality doesn't only refer to academic quality,but also needs to include social service and meeting the needs of social demand.The modern degree-granting authorization and accreditation system should pursue a balance between external demand and internal quality.The system reform requires the top-level design,including setting up a definite boundary with cooperated national,provincial and university's responsibility and management system,optimizing the structure and scientific layout of postgraduate education,improving the dynamic adjustment mechanism of authorization,creatively alleviating the uneven development of regional postgraduate education contradictory and innovating internal and external linkage of the quality assurance system which reveals its nature of dynamics,rule of law,authority and normalization;thus,the quality of postgraduate education can be promoted.
出处 《高教发展与评估》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期59-66,共8页 Higher Education Development and Evaluation
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"我国社会需求变化与学位授予体系发展前瞻研究"(15JZD041) 中国学位与研究生教育学会2015年度课题"学位授权审核办法改革方案研究"(A2-2015Y0605-001)
关键词 学位授权审核 服务需求 提高质量 研究生教育 国务院学位委员 degree-granting authorization and accreditation serving the needs improving quality postgraduate education members of the Degree Committee of the State Council
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