某公司污水处理厂拟采用"BioDopp生化反应器+曝气生物滤池+滤布滤池"的工艺,出水达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)V类限值,BioDopp工艺利用氧化沟的混合液内回流和A^2/O不同功能分区相结合的设计理念,借助CASS工艺前置选择区的模式,通过空气提推技术作为流体动力,在低能耗条件下可实现污泥在反应器内的高回流比,有着能耗低、占地少等优点,是一种具有脱氮除磷功能、实用性较强的新型污水处理工艺。
"BioDopp biochemical reactor + Biological aerated filter+ Filter cloth filter" process is proposed by a sewage treatment plant, the effluent of which reaches V class limit of surface water environment quality standard (GB3838-2002). A mixture of oxidation ditch in reflux and A2 / O the design concept of combination of different functional partition are used in BioDopp process, with the help of CASS process preposed choice area, taking the air fluid push technology as a driving force, under the condition of low energy consumption, high reflux ratio of sludge in the reactor can be realized, with the advantages of low energy consumption and less land. It is a kind of denitrification and phosphorus removal function and practical new type of sewage treatment process.
Shanxi Metallurgy