
基于法定保护期的专利维持时间影响因素研究 被引量:22

Research on the influence factors of maintenance time of patent:Based on the patent term
摘要 维持时间是研究专利质量或价值的重要指标,为了分析并验证已有文献中对专利维持时间影响因素的研究结论,基于专利制度的发展程度和专利维持时间分布特点,选择法国专利作为研究对象,基于发明专利的法定保护期,利用Logistic模型分析了影响专利维持情况的因素。结果表明,专利申请的审查时间、权利要求数量和技术领域对于专利维持情况存在显著影响。证明了专利维持情况同时会受到技术方案和专利申请审查制度两方面的影响。 The maintenance time of patent is an important indicator of patent quality and value. In order to analysis and verification of conclusions from existing research on influence factors of patent maintenance time,this paper choosing the French patents as research subjects. The samples demarcated by the term of patent and then the data were analysed using Logistic regression. The empirical results shows that the delivery time,the number of claims and technology field of patent could affect the probability of the length of patent maintenance time. It means that the technology and patent system impact the patent maintenance time simultaneously.
作者 肖冰
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1652-1658,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 专利维持时间 专利法定保护期 专利维持时间影响因素 patent maintenance time term of patent influence factors of patent maintenance time
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