
单点系泊FPSO在波浪中响应的数值计算分析 被引量:1

Computational Investigation of Single Point Mooring FPSO in Waves
摘要 为了研究单点系泊FPSO在波浪中的响应,论文使用了万德成教授课题组基于开源CFD计算软件 OpenFOAM开发的船舶海洋工程求解器naoe-FOAM-SJTU.论文首先使用了wave2foam进行空场造波,对于 参考文献的规则波进行了模拟.随后对单点系泊的FPSO进行了自由衰减的计算,与试验势流结果进行对比, 验证了方法的可行性.然后论文计算了单点系泊的FPSO在迎浪条件下时域运动情况,并分析了 FPSO锚链 受力情况.此后,论文改变了锚链布置位置,并就两种锚链布置的锚链受力和船体运动情况进行了对比. 最后,论文验证了naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器对于单点系泊的FPSO能够模拟其波浪响应情况,其结果达到了 较高精度. In this paper, the CFD solver naoe- FOAM-SJTU based on open source tool libraries OpenFOAM is used to simulate and analyze the single point mooring FPSO under wave conditions. At first, the waves-2-foam is used to simulate regular waves in the numerical tank without marine structures. After that, free decay motion of the FPSO is simulated and compared with the results by the potential method to verify the accuracy of simulation. Movement in time-domain is calculated and presented under different mooring conditions, and motion responses of the FPSO in head wave are observed and analyzed, as well as corresponding mooring forces are provided. It is shown that the solver naoe- FOAM-SJTU can simulate hydrodynamic performance of the FPSO well, and accuracy of the results can be guaranteed
作者 王帝 万德成
出处 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第A01期36-43,共8页 Shipbuilding of China
关键词 FPSO naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器 单点系泊 FPSO naoe- FOAM-SJTU solver single point mooring
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