目的探讨客机运输对不同保存期悬浮红细胞质量及保存期限的影响。方法保存了10、21、32 d的保养液为MAP配方的悬浮红细胞各6袋,每袋红细胞制备时均分为2袋,分别进入实验组和对照组。保存了10、21、32d的红细胞依次分3批次进行实验。实验组血液分别搭乘播音-737客机往返飞行3 h,期间经历2次起降。对照组血液到达机场后直接返回医院,放置于本科室储血专用冰箱保存。前2批血液分别在飞行结束后及红细胞保存d28、d 35无菌取样15 mL进行血细胞计数、红细胞三磷酸腺苷(adenosine triphosphate,ATP)、悬浮红细胞上清游离血红蛋白(free hemoglobin,FHb)、钾离子(potassium,K^+)和乳酸(lactic acid,LA)浓度检测。第3批血液分别在保存d21、28、35无菌取样进行上述指标检测。结果每批次实验结果均显示随着悬浮红细胞保存时间的延长,其上清中FHb、钾离子和乳酸水平均有不同程度升高;红细胞ATP水平随保存时间延长显著降低;红细胞计数结果各项指标均无明显变化。保存10、21、32 d后经历3 h大型飞机运输的悬浮红细胞在各个检测时间点各项检测指标与对照组相比均无统计学差异。结论客机运输3 h,期间起飞降落均为2次,对保存10、21、32 d的悬浮红细胞的质量及保存期限均未产生明显影响。
Objective To assess whether the air-born transportation affects the quality and shelf-life of suspended red blood cells with different storage time.Methods Suspended donated red blood cells(concentrated in MAP) were selected according to storage time with a total of three collections: 10 d,21 d and 32 d.Each selection was prepared with 6 bags of samples and each bag was divided into 2 small bags randomly assigned for the experimental group and the control group(6 small bags each group).The experiment was performed in three batches,one storage period group for each batch.The experimental groups were transported on board a Boeing 737 for a 3-hour return trip with 2 take-offs and 2 landings.The control groups,on the other hand,were transported to the airport in the same vehicle but immediately carried back to the hospital and kept in a special refrigerator.In the first two batches 15 ml samples were collected at day 28 and day 35 post transportation for tests including blood cell counts,adenosine triphosphate(ATP) activity level,supernatant free hemoglobin(FHb)and potassium analysis.Samples from the third batch were collected at 21,28,35 days post transportation for the same tests mentioned above.Results Data from each experimental batch showed that with the prolonged storage time,supernatant FHb,potassium,lactic acid increased and level of ATP decreased in the experimental group.Blood cell counts remained the same in the two groups.All data from the experiment gourps were the same as from the control groups.Conclusion These results suggest that the quality of suspended red blood cells of different storage time are not significantly affected by plane transportation designed in this paper.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
blood transfusion
blood transportation
suspended red blood cells
blood storage