
云计算中基于属性的可搜索加密电子病历系统 被引量:10

Attribute-based Searchable Encryption of Electronic Medical Records in Cloud Computing
摘要 电子病历是医学报告在云计算技术迅速发展下的一个重要产物,它的出现方便了医院和患者对病历的管理。然而,患者的相关隐私数据存储在云上,就必然面临着隐私泄露、非法访问等隐患。为保护存储在云端的电子病历数据的私密性,提出了一个基于属性的可搜索加密方案,并给出了它在电子病历系统中的重要应用。与传统的可搜索加密方案相比,本方案降低了多用户环境下密钥管理的难度,且方案中的陷门可以在非安全信道上传输。此外,该方案可隐藏访问结构,具有细粒度访问控制,可根据数据拥有者的请求增加或撤销用户的访问权限。安全性分析表明,该方案保护了关键词的隐私性,可抵抗关键词猜测攻击,能有效防止隐私数据的泄露。关键词陷门匹配算法仅需一次双线性对运算,大大提高了搜索效率。 Electronic medical record is an impor tant product of the medical repor t under the rapid development of cloud computing technology, whose presence is convenient for the hospitals and patients to manage the medical reports. How-ever, it would be inevitably faced wi th potential hazards such as the privacy disclosure,illegal access,etc. if the privacy data about patients are stored in the cloud. To protect the privacy of the electronic medical records stored in the cloud, an attribute-based searchable encryption scheme was proposed ? and its important application in the electronic medical re-cord system was given. Compared with the tradit ional searchable encryption scheme, this scheme does not need a secure channel for the trapdoor transmitting, and the dif f icult ies in key management for mul tiple users could be reduced. More-over, the scheme can hide the access structure and has fine-grained access control to add and revoke access rights of users according to the request of data owners. Security analysis shows that the scheme can not only protect the privacy of keywords,but also effectively resist the attack of keyword guessing and prevent the private data from leaking out. The keyword-based trapdoor matching algorithm requires only one computation of bilinear pairing, greatly improves the searching efficiency.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第B11期342-347,共6页 Computer Science
基金 江苏省自然科学基金(BK20141405) 南京理工大学本科生科研训练‘百千万’计划国家级项目立项资助
关键词 电子病历 可搜索加密 细粒度访问控制 关键词猜测攻击 Electronic medical record,Searchable encryption,Fine-grained access cont rol, At tack of keyword guessing
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