
10 cm收敛下的盾构管片受力及裂缝情况分析

Analysis of force and crack of the shield under 10 cm convergence
摘要 收敛变形为10 cm的盾构标准环,通过对收敛状态的假定与承载力状态的等效,分析B1T块与A1T块的受力,计算A1T块的最大裂缝宽度,得出:B1T块的最大应力发生在内侧与A1T块相交的位置,A1T块的受力状态为小偏心受压,A1T块在小偏心受压状态时的极限承载力是轴心受压状态时极限承载力的88%,A1T块的最大裂缝宽度与标准盾构环的受力状态有关。 The shielded standard ring with a convergence of 10 cm, through the assumption of the convergence state and equivalent to bearing ca-pacity, the force of BIT block and AIT block is analyzed, the maximum crack width of the AIT block is calculated. It is concluded that the max-imum stress of the BIT block occurs at the position where the BIT block intersects the AIT block. The stress state of the AIT block is small ec-centric compression. The ultimate bearing capacity of the AIT block in the case of small eccentric compression is 8 8 % of the ultimate bearing ca-pacity when the axial compression is in the axial pressure state. The maximum crack width of the AIT block is related to the force state of the en-tire tube ring.
作者 李艳祥 Li Yanxiang(Nanjing Metro Operation Co., Ltd Maintenance Center, Nanjing 210000, China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2017年第31期161-163,共3页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 地铁 隧道 收敛变形 理论计算 subway tunnel convergent deformation theoretical calculation
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