纳米尺寸的二氧化锆有着广泛而重要的应用。基于新的方法和发展使得国内外二氧化锆各种各样的制备方法和最近的应用随处可见。本文采用ZrOCl_2·8H_2O,使用溶胶-凝胶法制备锆溶胶。通过溶胶-凝胶法,在室温条件下,缓慢将氨水与氧氯化锆溶液滴加至缓冲溶液中,制得前驱体沉淀,经抽滤洗涤后用硝酸重新分散滤饼,于75益水浴加热5~12 h,制得澄清透明状纳米级锆质溶胶。系统分析了不同浓度的前躯体溶液、pH值以及缓冲溶液等因素对制备的锆溶胶粒径、稳定性的影响。结果表明,溶胶中粒子呈伞状、柱状,且分散均匀。溶胶粒子大小为12~15 nm。在pH值为0.8~1.4条件下,溶胶能长期稳定存在。再和聚苯酯反应,发现聚苯酯的耐热性明显提高。
Nanosized zirconium dioxide has wide and significant uses. Varieties of preparation and recent new application of nanosized zirconium dioxide are reviewed on the basis of new progress and developing trends at home land and abroad. Zirconium sol were prepared by using the sol-gel method with ZrOCl2*8H2〇. By the various kinds of measurement techniques,determined a whole rational program of preparing zirconium sol,using the sol-gel method,while the ammonia was slowly driped to the buffer solution as precipitator. After suction filtration and rinse, defined quantity of electrolyte was added to redistribute the filter mass,heat the miscible liquids at 75 尤 with 5 ?12 h, the uniform and stable nano-scale zirconium sol was generated. The influence of different concentration of precursor solution,value of pH and buffer solution and other factors on stability and size of zirconium sol were investigated and analyzed. Via the TEM,nanoparticle size analyzer, TG-DSC graph of the study on the products,the results showed that the particle of the sol was appeared at columnar and umbellar. The size is about 12 to 15 nm. The zirconium sol was separated and existed stability at the range of pH value from 0.8 to 1.4. Then zirconium react with Ekonol,Ekonol shows an obvious improvement in anti-heat.
Foshan Ceramics
Nanometer two zirconia
Sol-gel method
Particle size
Heat resistance