

On the Role of Foreign Government in the Construction and Operation of Higher Education Assurance Institution
摘要 质保机构是高等教育质量保障体系的核心,政府作为高等教育主要的办学主体,其介入高等教育质保机构的创建与运行不可避免。试以国外高等教育质保机构创建与运行过程中的政府行为为切入点,分析政府介入质保机构的方式以及影响政府介入质保机构的因素,可以确认:政府应当准确定位自身的行为,支持建立质保机构认可标准,保证机构创建与运行的政策与经费,并重视机构创建与运行的方向指导与过程监督。 As the main body of higher education to run a college, the government would definitely intervene the construction and operation of the assurance institution which is the core of the higher education quality assurance system. Taking the government role as the entry point in the construction and operation of assurance system, this paper analyzed the ways of government' s involvement in the assurance institution and the factors influencing the government' s involvement in assurance institution. In conclusion, the government should re - locate its role accurately and support the establishment of the assurance institution' s certification standards. What is more, the government also need to ensure the construction and operation of institutions and funds, and pay more attention to guide the direc- tion and supervise the whole process.
作者 蔡晶 王祥
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期78-80,共3页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年课题"城镇化背景下西部农村成人教育组织建设研究"(编号:CKA140127)
关键词 高等教育 质保机构 政府角色 higher education assurance institution the role of government
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