

On the Long-term Mechanism for College Leading Cadres' "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" Style Construction
摘要 "三严三实"贯穿着马克思主义政党建设的基本原则和内在要求,明确了领导干部的修身之本、为政之道和成事之要。大学需立足高等教育综合改革和"双一流"建设实际,不断建立和健全"三严三实"领导干部理论学习机制、培养选拔机制、作风考评机制和监督检查机制,进一步强化大学领导干部政治理论学习和实践锻炼,通过完善的过程考核和健全的作风监督体系,不断改进领导干部选拔任用机制,从而推动大学领导干部践行"三严三实"要求常态化、标准化和制度化。 "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" runs through the basic principles and inherent requirements of the Marxist political party construction and explicates the foundation of leading cadres' moral cultivation, the way of their serving as an official and the key to their success. In view of the Double Top construction, colleges and universities should complete: the leading cadres' theories learning mechanism of "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" by grasping firmly the relations which exist between the project-based learnings and educations and are derived from the same origin, the spirit of General secretary Xi jinping's series of important speeches and the dialectical relationship between "learning" and "doing"; the leading cadres training and selecting mechanism which is based on "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" by improving the leading cadres educating and training mechanism constantly,stressing the inspection of leading cadres' practice results, and perfecting the leading cadres selecting and appointing mechanism constantly; the evaluation system of leading cadres' style by constructing a complete process evaluation system, a scientific evaluating index system and a rigorous and effective evaluating way; the supervision mechanism of leading cadres' style which is based on "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" by carrying out the "four forms" of discipline supervision and enforcement and establishing a supervision mechanism which all teachers and students participate in and a practical and effective supervision system. And, finally, with the establishment of the practical and effective mechanisms for leading cadres' theories learning, leading cadres selecting and cultivating,leading cadres' style evaluating, and leading cadres supervising and inspecting leading cadres would be helped to reach "Three Stricts and Three Steadies" both theoretically and in practice.
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期295-299,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 江苏省教育系统党建研究会立项课题重点项目(2015JYDJ-ZD002)
关键词 三严三实 高等学校 领导干部 长效机制 南京农业大学 leading cadres Three Stricts and Three Steadies colleges and universities selecting and training mechanism style evaluating mechanism supervision and inspection mechanism Nanjing Agricultural University
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