Objective The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of manipulation massage therapy on mastitis during lactation. Methods A total of 260 patients with lactation mastitis admitted in General Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force between May 2015 and July 2016 were selected in this study. The patients were divided into a manipulation massage plus conventional therapy group (n=140) and a single conventional therapy group (n=120) by means of random number table. The total effective rate, rate of abscess formation, continuity of breast-feeding, recurrence rate and time taken for pain relief and fever remission were compared between the two groups. Results Total rate of effectiveness of manipulation massage plus conventional therapy group was 92.86% (130/140), with an abscess formation rate of 6.43% (9/140), average time for pain relief (3.33±1.56) d, average time for fever relief (2.79±1.46) d, rate of continuous breast-feeding 100% (140/140), and recurrence rate 3.57% (5/140). In the conventional therapy group, total effective rate was 80.83% ( 97/120 ), with an abscess formation rate of 12.67% (15/120), average time for pain relief (5.88 ~ 1.65) d, average time for fever relief (4.48±1.44) d, rate of continuous breast-feeding 60.0% (72/120), and recurrence rate 16.67% (20/120). The total effective rate and rate of continuous breast-feeding of the manipulation massage plus conventional therapy group were higher than those of the conventional therapy group, and the differences were statistically significant (P〈0.05). The abscess formation rate, average time for pain relief, average time for fever relief and the recurrence rate of the manipulation massage plus conventional therapy group were significantly lower than those in the conventional therapy group, and the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusions Emptying the breast and relieving pain are the key aims of treatment in lactation mastitis. Manipulation massage plus conventional therapy can improve rate and outcome of treatment, reduce interruptions in breast-feeding and reduce the rate of recurrence.
Chinese Journal of Disaster Medicine
acute mastitis
breast engorgement
breast pain
manipulation massage