介绍了利用KBC Petro-SIM炼厂模拟软件常减压塔模型LPU(线性规划工具)工具生成PIMS模型原油ASSAY表及悬摆物流数据的方法,对该方法存在的收敛、切割点偏移及效率问题进行了论述;为了解决这些问题,在常减压校核数据基础上通过分配系数计算直接创建原油切割组分分离器模型代替塔模型,并从基础物流中根据计算分配系数创建组分分离器分离出悬摆物流使悬摆实体化,然后利用LPU工具可以成功、准确、高效地生成原油ASSAY表,为原油经济评价及生产优化提供了数据支撑。
This paper introduces the process of using LPU utility based on KBC Petro-SIM APS/VPS tower model to create PIMS crude assay and calculate dangle cuts data,and discusses the convergence,cut point shift and efficiency problems existing in the process.In order to solve these problems,the tower model is substituted by component splitter model,the split fractions are calculated based on the calibrating data of APS/VPS unit,the dangle cuts is split from the base stream to embody the dangle cuts,and then LPU is used to successfully,accurately and efficiently create crude assay table,thus providing data basis for crude economic assessment and production optimization.
Petrochemical Design