
基于灵敏度权重的双摆角铣头传动精度定量分配 被引量:1

Transmission Accuracy Quantitative Distribution of Biaxial Rotary Milling Heads Based on Sensitivity Weights
摘要 针对基于行星减速机构的双摆角铣头传动部分结构复杂,传动误差影响因素众多,导致传动精度分配困难的问题,提出了一种灵敏度计算与加权分配相结合的传动精度定量分配方法。首先建立双摆角铣头传动链的误差模型,根据其定位精度要求和传动误差分析结果确定总传动误差允许值;然后根据各传动误差项对总传动误差影响的灵敏度值,筛选出对传动精度影响较大的误差项,并对其灵敏度值进行归一化处理;最后对较大误差项进行加权分配,得到符合精度设计要求的16种精度分配方案,进而选出满足经济性要求的方案。该方法推导过程物理意义明确,操作性强,可避免低灵敏度误差项对精度分配的干扰,提高了精度分配效率,对多误差复杂系统的精度优化分配具有指导意义。 A biaxial rotary milling head with planetary gear reducer possessed complicated transmission systems and multiple transmission errors,which might cause difficulties in the transmission accuracy distribution.A new method of accuracy quantitative distribution was proposed based on sensitivity analysis and proportional weight method.Firstly,the transmission chain error model of the biaxial rotary milling heads was established and the total transmission errors were determined by the positioning accuracy requirements and transmission error analysis.Then,the errors which had greater influence on the transmission accuracy were filtered by sensitivity values.At last,the normalized weighted method was applied to distribute proportionally the errors with larger sensitivity to meet the requirements of accuracy design.And sixteen feasible error distribution schemes were gotten.The method has clear physical expression,high maneuverability and improves the accuracy design efficiency,which may lay a foundation for the accuracy distribution of the complex systems with multiple error factors.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第22期2675-2680,2688,共7页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51405427) 国家科技重大专项(2013ZX04001-041) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2017203372) 内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室开放课题(skler-201701)
关键词 精度分配 双摆角铣头 灵敏度权重 比例加权方法 accuracy distribution biaxial rotary milling head weight of sensitivity proportional weight method
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